Haryana state warehousing corporation was setup on 1st November 1967 with 16 No. of warehouses and total capacity of 7000 MT.The Engineering Wing also looks after the repair and maintenance of huge existing capacity. In addition to construction of its own godowns; the construction Branch executes deposit works for Food & Civil Supplies Department, Haryana Agro industries Corporation Ltd; Transport Department, Sarswati Vikas Board.
Engineering Wing of HSWC is responsible for following activities
Construction and maintenance of covered godowns, Plinths and ancillary structures like office block, weigh bridge, , isolation shed, cycle stand, toilets, roads, drains, etc.
Construction of Cement concrete roads in view of heavy vehicles plying in the godowns.
Maintenance of HSWC flats, Guest Houses spread throughout the State.
Implementation of CSR activities in HSWC complexes by providing Female Lav Block, Labour Shed,Safe drinking water facilities.
Construction and maintenance of Internal & External Electrical Installation and Pumping sets in godowns at various locations.
Execution of deposit works for Food & Civil Supplies Department, Haryana Agro industries Corporation Ltd; Transport Department, Sarswati Vikas Board.
Installation of new weighbridges and Up-gradation of existing weighbridges to fully electronic, enhancement of capacity of weigh-bridges as per requirement.
Maintenance of HQ/ Office Building.
Introduction of new roofing technologies in HSWC godowns like installation of Galvalume sheets with Turbo ventilators
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